National Trust Database - Search Results

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Unity Hall

636 - 638 Bourke Street,, MELBOURNE VIC 3000 - Property No B4692

The building known as Unity Hall was the headquarters of the Australian Railways Union for over eighty years from 1916 - 1999. It contained union offices and a meeting hall. Designed by the architect A.E.H. Carleton, it is reputed to have been built with the assistance of voluntary labour. Located at the West end of Bourke Street, it is near to, and, has a close association with, the significant transport interchange of the Spencer Street Railway complex. Unity Hall is a ... more



Carlton Community Hall

Carlton Mechanics Institute

150 Princes Street,, CARLTON VIC 3053 - Property No B4492

This two storey brick hall was built in three weeks for two thousand pounds in 1877 for Hon James Munro, M L A by John Pigdon, a prominent local councillor and builder. Later in 1877 a substantial and more elaborately detailed rendered brick extension was added on to the front of the building which has been used by the Carlton Mechanics Instutite and for various community activities. Classified: 03/05/1979



Manchester Unity Hall

Main Road, WANDILIGONG VIC 3744 - Property No B3234

A brick hall of 1874, of interest as representing the activities of Friendly Societies in country towns and for the supper room below the stage at the rear. Classified: 10/05/1973

